Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Going Back to Washington - Oregon -- way back in May

(Finally able to upload the video. Thanks, Trevor.)

I mentioned in one of the earlier posts of the Washington / Oregon trip about THE BRIDGE. The Astoria Megler Bridge that spans Washington State and Oregon. It's a freakin' long bridge, and I do have a severe bridge phobia (probably a past-life thing). Anyway, before driving onto the Bridge From Hell, Bob pulled over to take a viceo of it, complete with narrative. For those who are familiar with my bridge phobia, it's the only proof I have that I've actually gone on this monstrosity. Without actually going on it, the drive to Oregon would have been difficult. So ... taking a deep breath ... here is the preamble to driving on the Astoria Megler Bridge. Turn your speakers on ... you might actually hear my knees knocking.

1 comment:

  1. Unnnnless of course you crossed over at Portland instead. =) Much smaller bridge there. But all the same, I'm glad you went this way! =)
